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Keep Calm Mother On! with Christy Thomas

Apr 12, 2019

Boredom Riff: Bonus Episode

A quick 6 minute pep talk to build space for boredom.

Inspired?  Go find the book Bored and Brilliant by Manoush Zomorodi

Join me in a 90 Day Challenge by signing up at 


Have an idea? Email me at  or find me on Instagram here or there.


2019 is the year of bantering with our kids.  Let’s embrace water cooler conversations that increase positive interactions and attachment.  Want to do it together? Consider joining my VIP Group.

~~Got a road trip or just everyday drives around town?  Use the time well by adding in play.

TEXT “play” to 69922 for this free pdf. 


Self-Care Action  & Play Idea:

Be  BORED together, aim for 5 minutes, see if you can grow it into a whole hour or day.


Want more?  Check out the website!

Want play ideas over email?