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Keep Calm Mother On! with Christy Thomas

Dec 28, 2018


"Let's talk about my favorite parenting books-- non-fiction and fiction."


Have an idea? Email me at  or find me on Instagram here or there.


Here's a quick recap of the non-fiction books mentioned today.

Hold Onto Your Kids by Dr. Gordon Neufeld

Simplicity Parenting by Kim John...

Dec 21, 2018

"Let's talk about traveling with kids and ENJOYING IT."


Have an idea? Email me at  or find me on Instagram here or there.


Listen for my best travel tips and one AWESOME ONE from my friend Sara.  You can find her on Instagram here.

The tips range from mindset, snacks, screen-free...

Dec 14, 2018


"Let's talk about the Joy of Missing Out"


Have an idea? Email me at  or find me on Instagram here or there.


Listen for my take on JOMO and why I think it matters for 80-year-old Christy and 80-year-old you. 


Self-Care Action:

Do one teeny tiny house-hold task that will bring you calm...

Dec 7, 2018

Welcome to this listener requested episode.

Thanks, Nicole!

"Ideas for the mom who wants to connect, but HATES imaginative play"

Have an idea? Email me at  or find me on Instagram here or there.


Listen for my 4 tips on pretend play.  I'll share with you two ways to say yes AND two ways to...