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Keep Calm Mother On! with Christy Thomas

Jul 29, 2022

Let's talk kids and smartphones.  Today we're going to chat about a brand new book called First Phone by Dr Catherine Pearlman written for kids. 

Dr. Catherine Pearlman is the founder of The Family Coach and a licensed clinical social worker who has been working with children and families for more than 25 years. She...

Jul 26, 2022

Today's affirmation:

"Being loving is more important than loving every moment."



You are amazing.  I hope you believe it.



Have an idea? Email me at  or find me on Instagram here or there.



Want connection ideas over email? 

Jul 22, 2022

Today's guest made our new home feel like home faster because of her local Washington DC family travel guides. 

I am so excited for you to meet Jennifer Liao.  Jennifer runs a great blog Family Trip Guides - Family Travel DC and Beyond! and a very active Instagram page for the Northern Virginia/DC Metro area. 

Here is...

Jul 19, 2022


I might not see it now, but the time I’m investing does matter. 



Follow along and practice deep breathing with me.


Find more affirmations with episode 26.


If you like this episode and want more-- email me or find me on instagram.

Jul 15, 2022

I've worked really hard to help my kids live and breathe in a house where growth mindset is the normal idea.  Here is the book that started it for me:

Parenting Kids With Anxiety - The Atlantic

Big Life Journal Posters  (I hang these in my kids bathroom and by their bedroom doors)


Self-Care: ...