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Keep Calm Mother On! with Christy Thomas

Sep 29, 2023

Join us for Lunch and Learn!


358. 6 Anchors for Daily Connection 

  1. Morning Wake Up
  2. Cuddle
  3. Driving
  4. Meal
  5. Bath/Clean Up
  6. Bedtime
Family Fun--- Sketchbook prompts after dinner
Self-Care-- October Daily Challenge a poem a day



Join us for Lunch and Learn!
Find me on Instagram: Christy Thomas — Coach for...

Sep 26, 2023

Want to try a coaching call-- sign up for a free 30-minute call:


Are you holding your breath?  Let's pause for a moment and check in with our bodies together.

Today, let's three micro-practices:

1--Notice your bare feet and grow roots

2-Watch a candle flame


Sep 22, 2023

357.  Do the Damn Thing With Bevin Farrand
In 2019, after an unexpected loss just 5 days after she returned from a whirlwind trip to France with her husband, Bevin Farrand founded the Take the DAMN Chance movement and created the Do the DAMN Thing Method....

Sep 19, 2023

Want to try a coaching call-- sign up for a free 30-minute call:


Are you holding your breath?  Let's pause for a moment and check in with our bodies together.

Today, let's three micro-practices:

1--Draw a circle in the air, inhale as you move your arm to the top...

Sep 15, 2023

356.  Go Mom Yourself with Dr. Morgan Cutlip
Dr. Morgan Cutlip, Ph.D. in Psychology and highly sought-after relationship expert, knows what it feels like to lose yourself in motherhood, and she’s determined to help mothers navigate it better.
Throughout her career, she has helped hundreds of thousands of people...