Jul 28, 2023
Jul 25, 2023
Sign up for Christy's Saturday Morning Emails
Want to try a coaching call-- sign up for a free 30-minute call: https://calendly.com/christythomas/exploratory-call-free
Are you holding your breath? Let's pause for a moment and check in with our bodies together and practice a new thought.
Jul 21, 2023
Jul 18, 2023
Sign up for Christy's Saturday Morning Emails
Want to try a coaching call-- sign up for a free 30-minute call: https://calendly.com/christythomas/exploratory-call-free
Are you holding your breath? Let's pause for a moment and check in with our bodies together and practice a new thought.
Jul 14, 2023
Coaching (christythomascoaching.com)
There are things you can control
There are things you can influence
AND there are things you have no control or influence on.
Don't hesitate to reach out for coaching: Coaching (christythomascoaching.com)
Self-Care: Pick one fiction book and one non-fiction book to...