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Keep Calm Mother On! with Christy Thomas

Sep 28, 2021

Let's practice being human.  Reflections about what being 94 yearold you might be like  & Christy's Grandma.  <3  Let's remember the people that brought you to this moment in life. 



You are exactly the right mom for your kids.  I am so glad to know you. 


Find me on Instagram at @everyday_runner_christy



Sep 24, 2021

Join me on Sunday, September 26 @ 4 PM EST for a Zoom Call all about this. Register Now:


Humans need belonging and significance.  That's a key factor in Adlerian Psychology which is the foundation of Positive Discipline by Jane Nelson.

Last week, I admitted I needed to stop rushing. ...

Sep 21, 2021

Let's practice being human.  You can do this technique all day long.   You can do it standing or sitting.  

Put one hand on your heart and one hand on your tummy.  Then breathe. 

You are exactly the right mom for your kids.  I am so glad to know you. 


Find me on Instagram at @everyday_runner_christy


Don't forget to...

Sep 17, 2021


Rushing leads me to feel poor in my spirit.  Rushing leads me to feeling disconnected and wanting.


Here are my three habits to slow me down:

Sticky note reminders to take a deep breath & that life is not an emergency

Practice 3-5 minutes of breathing.  In the urgent feeling moments, I can remember what it feels like...

Sep 15, 2021

Let's practice-- reducing envy and celebrating others. 

You are exactly the right mom for your kids.  I am so glad to know you. 


Find me on Instagram at @everyday_runner_christy


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