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Keep Calm Mother On! with Christy Thomas

Nov 27, 2020


A Three-Step Reset Plan

1) Hydrate with real water and not caffeine or wine.

2) Connection with yourself, go look in the bathroom mirror and give yourself a compliment

3) Simplify. Pick an easy spot and reduce clutter.  The spot can be physical or digital clutter.

Do you need to build a refuge for yourself? Need to...

Nov 25, 2020

Breathe and Practice saying Thank You with Me.


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Nov 20, 2020

Not sure what to do about Thanksgiving this year?  Here are my best tips for when Thanksgiving isn't with all the ones you love. 

During the show I suggested some previous episodes:

#3-- Holiday Planning

#55-- Tantrums and the Holidays

#49-- Giving as a Family

#52-- Be the Light (Suicide Awareness) 

Self-Care:  Do...

Nov 18, 2020

Take a moment and notice your body and your thoughts-- meet them with love and kindness.  Expand your capacity to hold love and kindness, are you starting with a small paper cup or an ocean?  

Don't forget to SUBSCRIBE to this podcast & check out the new website--

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Nov 13, 2020

There are 4 Stages of Communication

A Speaker has 2 Stages--

1) What do I mean to say?

2) What I actually say.


A Listener has 2 Stages--

3) What did I hear the Speaker say?

4) What did the Speaker mean?



 "Showing your kids you love them is 2% effort and 98% putting your phone down. Put your phones down and...