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Keep Calm Mother On! with Christy Thomas

Jun 30, 2023

Summer Audiobooks for Mom

Fiction Edition:

Disclaimer --Christy only likes light fluffy books that won't haunt her dreams or cause her to panic when she's home alone due to her husband's military deployments. :)

  1. Books by Sophia Kinsella
  2. Books by Katherine Center
  3. Books by Graeme Simsion 
  4. Books by Liane Moriarity (What...

Jun 27, 2023

Sign up for Christy's Saturday Morning Emails


Want to try a coaching call-- sign up for a free 30-minute call:


Are you holding your breath?  Let's pause for a moment and check in with our bodies together and practice a new thought.


“Almost everything will...

Jun 23, 2023

Want to try a coaching call-- sign up for a free 30-minute call:


Check out Christy's List of Military Kid Resources:


You are exactly the right mom for your kids.  I am so glad to know you. --CT

344. What the HECK...

Jun 20, 2023

Sign up for Christy's Saturday Morning Emails


Want to try a coaching call-- sign up for a free 30-minute call:


Are you holding your breath?  Let's pause for a moment and check in with our bodies together and practice a new thought.


Good enough is good...

Jun 16, 2023

Virginia Sole-Smith is the author of Fat Talk: Parenting in the Age of Diet Culture and The Eating Instinct: Food Culture, Body Image and Guilt in America. Her reporting on diet culture, health and parenting has appeared in the New York Times, Scientific American, and many other publications. She also writes the...