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Keep Calm Mother On! with Christy Thomas

Feb 26, 2021

  • Heart  (Set an Intention & Pray & Meditate)
  • Body   (Move your body)
  • MInd   (Embrace Curiosity & Read for Fun)
  • Hands  (Create something just for beauty every day) 
  • Stay Close to those who matter the most to you, put take off the pressure. 

Inspiration For Today:

"Kindness begins with the understanding that we all struggle." Charles Glassman

Follow Stephaine Howell for Book Tips:

Family Play Idea:  Ziplocks of fun! Big kids and adults like this too, don't skip it because the example shows babies and toddlers.


Self-Care:  Pick a song that points your heart GPS in the right direction.  2021 needs your rally cry and anthem.   Let your kids see you choose yourself every day.  You are a human raising small humans. 


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