Jul 26, 2020
Okay, it's time for another Monday Pep Talk. So here we go.
This week, I want you to do what I usually remind you to do on
Sunday nights. This week, I want you to every night think of
something you can do for your Monday morning, your Tuesday
morning, your Wednesday morning you, or Thursday
morning you, Friday morning you, Saturday morning you,
or Sunday morning you every night. When you are getting ready
for bed, I want you to do one more thing that can be a gift to your
future self. So I'll give you some examples of what I do. I prep
the coffee pot and I pick up my mug for the morning. I lay out my
exercise clothes so that there's no thought in the morning and I
don't have to turn on any lights. I can just grab them and get
dressed. I lay out some books I want to read. I pre pick a podcast
I want to listen to or a class that I'm taking. I charge my
headphones because I'm a huge fan of wireless headphones. I fill up
my water bottle and put it right next to the coffee pot. So I
remember that I want to drink water when I go for the second cup of
coffee. Okay, these are all superduper simple things you can do.
Over the years, I've added more and more and I don't do it all the
time. I'll be honest, but I can tell when I am doing it. I can tell
when the night before me is been super kind and generous with her
time. For Monday morning me or whatever morning it is right. For
years, I've been reminding you on social media on Sunday night on
the Sunday scaries to do something extra special for Monday morning
you. But you don't have to save it just for Sunday and Monday. You
can do it every single day. You can give yourself a gift. That's
what you're doing when you take the extra time to be a little bit
thoughtful. Right? Isn't that what you do for your spouse or your
kids or a friend? You take the time to be extra thoughtful and
courteous because you love them and care for them. Well, this
Monday Morning Pep Talk. I want to remind you that you get to be
extra thoughtful and courteous and generous with your time towards
Yep, I'm gonna pause there and let it sink in. You get to be extra
thoughtful, kind and generous with your time towards yourself. I
love you, and I'm so glad you're here. Thank you, thank you, thank
you and you're exactly who we need on earth in this moment. The
world would be a much, much lonelier place without you. I'm so glad
you're here bye
Transcribed by https://otter.ai
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