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Keep Calm Mother On! with Christy Thomas

Dec 18, 2020

The best gift of all is time.  For the next three Friday's I'm picking from the archives so I can enjoy more quality family time.   

Merry Christmas!  Happy Holidays! 

Happy New Year!



Let’s Celebrate Calm!

Episode 46

I hope you enjoy my chat with Kirk Martin, you can find him on the internet at

I’ve been a big fan of his work for the last ten years and I’m so excited to share his story with you.


Self-Care: Write a letter from what you want to retire from.  Go out to eat with your girlfriends on a date with your spouse.  Talk about what you need to say no to.


Play Idea:  Play the opposite game!


Have an idea? Email me at  or find me on Instagram here or there.