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Keep Calm Mother On! with Christy Thomas

Mar 10, 2023

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You are exactly the right mom for your kids.  I am so glad to know you. 


329. Stick a Fork In Me- I'm Done

Solo Show with Christy sharing that we all have feelings and that it's important to show our kids how to label them and how we process them.  Feel don't conceal.  Our kids want the best for us just like we want the best for them.


Are you unsure how to label feelings more than glad, sad, and mad? Check out this feelings wheel. 

There are zero ways for you to be a perfect mom, so be honest and fail a little better every time.  Your kids benefit from watching you repair their relationship with them.  You are in charge of your relationship with your kids and yourself.  Show them what it means to live with self-compassion and a full spectrum of feelings. 



Self-Care:  Take 90 seconds and lie down on your bed or the floor.  Don't hold your phone while you do this.  Lay down and be.  Check-in with yourself-- you are valuable and loved. 


Family Fun:  Have a dance party or freeze dance game where people dance like a dog getting out of the water.  Research shows shaking releases muscular tension, burns excess adrenaline, calms the nervous system and helps neutralize stress. 




Find me on Instagram:  Happiest Mom You Know (@everyday_runner_christy) • Instagram photos and videos

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