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Keep Calm Mother On! with Christy Thomas

Jan 20, 2023

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4 Hurdles to Being a Good Enough Mom

1-- You constantly doubt yourself.  You don't have belief that you are exactly the right mom for your kids

2-- Motherhood is serious all the time. You always strive for perfection for yourself and your family.  You never let down your hair and admit to mistakes or have fun. 

3--Motherhood is for lone wolves.  You don't have community; you need community.

4--You think you're superwoman.  You are human.  Let yourself be human. Give yourself some slack. 


Self-Care: Text another mom and remind them that they are part of your community and that they are exactly the right mom for their kids. Bonus-- send them this episode too!



Family Fun: Have an indoor snowball fight using balls of socks. 



You are exactly the right mom for your kids.  I am so glad to know you. 

Find me on Instagram at @everyday_runner_christy

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Find me on Instagram:  Happiest Mom You Know (@everyday_runner_christy) • Instagram photos and videos

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