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Keep Calm Mother On! with Christy Thomas

Oct 29, 2021

You are exactly the right mom for your kids.  I am so glad to know you. 

Find me on Instagram at @everyday_runner_christy

Don't forget to SUBSCRIBE to this podcast & check out the new website--

Don't forget to leave a rating or review.  Email me 

Want to share a family play idea?  Leave a message on SpeakPipe!


Today's Show Notes: 

You sent in questions-- I thought it would be a delight to answer 40 questions for my 40th birthday. 

Thanks for the fun!



Self-Care: Take the time to answer the same questions I did, give yourself the gift of reflection. 


Family Fun:  Do the Monster Mash, or freeze dance.  Move your bodies together as a family, this was inspired by Breathe With Me Episode 86.


You are exactly the right mom for your kids.  I am so glad to know you. 

Find me on Instagram at @everyday_runner_christy

Don't forget to SUBSCRIBE to this podcast & check out the new website--

Don't forget to leave a rating or review.  Email me 

Want to share a family play idea?  Leave a message on SpeakPipe!