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Keep Calm Mother On! with Christy Thomas

Oct 23, 2020

Today's guest has a story that captivated me.  I couldn't put down her book, I had to hide it to make dinner.

Enjoy the delight of  Meg Apperson.  Meg is a wife and mom of four, home-educating, garden-growing, raising medically complex and delightfully ordinary children with purpose.

Buy Meg's Book:  Sky Full of Stars on Amazon--  (#ad)

Meg's Blog:  

Meg's Instagram:

A couple of my favorite lines from Meg: 

"Suffering for those we love is noble, but so is resting."

"Trust the process of childhood"

"In our zeal to mother well, we sometimes over mother them."


Self-Care Idea:

Self-Care has changed depending on the season I'm in.  So I need to stop and see what's going to be the biggest bang.  Right now my self-care is being alone in the morning.   Other times, it's been sleeping an extra thirty minutes.  Get the pulse on where you are and what you need today.


Family Play Idea:

Friday night movie night, dinner early, and everyone ready for bed.  Also, I stopped and watched everyone play baseball.  I was a witness to the moment.  I sat and watched them play. "These are the best days we have." 


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 I am off of social media until November-- so send those emails.