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Keep Calm Mother On! with Christy Thomas

Aug 27, 2024

Join us as I guide you through a series of fill-in-the-blank affirmations that allow you to create a deeply personal and empowering experience. Whether you’re seeking peace, patience, or strength, this meditation will help you find what you need in the present moment.

Take a few minutes to breathe, reflect, and affirm your worth and strength as a mom. This episode is perfect for a quick reset during a busy day or as part of your morning or evening routine.

In this episode, you’ll experience:

  • Deep breathing exercises to help you relax and center yourself.
  • A series of customizable affirmations designed to uplift and empower.
  • A peaceful space to reconnect with yourself and your intentions as a mom.

Tune in and take this time for you—you deserve it.