Oct 22, 2021
You are exactly the right mom for your kids. I am so glad to know you.
Find me on Instagram at @everyday_runner_christy
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Today's Show Notes:
Self-Compassion as taught by Dr. Kristin Neff has three parts.
1) Shared Humanity
2) Mindfullness
3) Self-Kindness
Editing Fact Check Correction: A typical toddler may fall from 15-20 times per hour depending on their skill level and age.
Toddlers fall often when they are learning to walk, they keep trying. They watch the models around them & know that's what they need to do next.
When learning self-compassion, keep trying. Look for models that help you learn a new way if you didn't see this growing up.
Self-Care: Lie on the floor for one minute and ask yourself what you need. Bonus challenge-- lie on the floor next to a wall and let your feet rest on the wall.
Family Fun: Tell the shared stories of Octobers passed. Funny moments, first moments, scary moments. Stories connect us and help your kids know that they are wanted and valued in your family.
You are exactly the right mom for your kids. I am so glad to know you.
Find me on Instagram at @everyday_runner_christy
Don't forget to SUBSCRIBE to this podcast & check out the new website--
Don't forget to leave a rating or review. Email me Play4life.Christy@gmail.com
Want to share a family play idea? Leave a message on SpeakPipe!