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Keep Calm Mother On! with Christy Thomas

Jul 22, 2022

Today's guest made our new home feel like home faster because of her local Washington DC family travel guides. 

I am so excited for you to meet Jennifer Liao.  Jennifer runs a great blog Family Trip Guides - Family Travel DC and Beyond! and a very active Instagram page for the Northern Virginia/DC Metro area. 

Here is her Instagram Page: Jennifer | DC Family Travel (@familytripguides) • Instagram photos and videos

Tips from Jennifer-

  1. Set the expectation that adventures can be challenging but worth it
  2. Use Google Maps to find a hidden gem
  3. Visit the Post Office Museum!
  4. VIsit neighborhoods (Use google maps to find a playground and a restaurant)



Self-Care:  Use a line-a-day journal.  Record the moments in real-time.  (Affiliate Link to Amazon)


Family Fun Idea: Jennifer has stickers in her bag when her family has to wait.  



You are exactly the right mom for your kids.  I am so glad to know you. 

Find me on Instagram at @everyday_runner_christy

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