Jan 14, 2022
You are exactly the right mom for your kids. I am so glad to know you.
Find me on Instagram at @everyday_runner_christy
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Don't forget to leave a rating or review. Email me Play4life.Christy@gmail.com
Want to share a family play idea? Leave a message on SpeakPipe!
Today's Show Notes:
It turns out that resting and taking care of yourself is productive.
What does a "good mother' look like when you pause for 30 seconds?
Now-- consider if you are loving yourself as a good mother would.
Christy loves Scribd--Try it out here for 60 DAYS FREE!: (affiliate link) https://www.scribd.com/g/sn7xo
Self-Care: Use good hand lotion-- take care of yourself. I love the hand serum by Olive and June. Bonus--text a friend a compliment about why they matter to you. Remind them to take a rest too.
Family Fun: Play Monkey Do. Sit or stand across from each other and mimic each other's movements.
You are exactly the right mom for your kids. I am so glad to know you.
Find me on Instagram at @everyday_runner_christy
Don't forget to SUBSCRIBE to this podcast & check out the new website--
Don't forget to leave a rating or review. Email me Play4life.Christy@gmail.com
Want to share a family play idea? Leave a message on SpeakPipe!